torsdag 31. desember 2009

The last blog post 2009

This is the last geirknappen blog post of 2009, maybe the last blogpost of all time (unless someone or something gives me a good reason to continue with the blog). Writing blog wasn't much fun. Did I learn something from writing blog? Hmmm... I am not sure. Maybe I did not. Anyway... Here is a game for my blog readers to play. Have fun.

søndag 27. desember 2009

What is Geir's wisdombook? Why is it secret?

The wisdombook is like a physician designed only for Geir. If Geir was sad, he would open the book, and the book would give a diagnosis. The book would then give a suggestion for a treatment plan and a follow up plan, and Geir would trust the suggestions that the book gave, since it is a book Geir himself had written.

Another property of the book is that it maintains Geir's skills. What is the point of learning something if one always forget?

Why is Geir's book secret? Imagine that you had build 19 pyramids alone, would you give away those pyramids for free? Probably not. If I write down a new idea, it is my property. To open a handwritten book that does not belong to you, would be like stealing.

The possibility that the book could end up in the wrong hands, is a problem I have been thinking about since I wrote my first book. In my first book, I made plans for the book to be unkidnapable. For the second book I wrote propaganda in the first page of the book, to scare people to not read in the book. The way I protect book number 3, is secret. I will know if someone other than me touches the book, and if that happens he or she will be banned. No other person than me will read in this book, not even king Harald V of Norway.

torsdag 24. desember 2009

Moral vs curiosity...

Imagine that you saw this red book, and there was no other persons in the room, would you open the book or not?

mandag 21. desember 2009

Geir + ... = fail

There are many things that do not work well with Geir. For example, Geir + the game "hon" = so failed that I should avoid playing it for a while. My game stats in this game are very bad: for every enemy kill I have, I also have 4 deaths. Every member of the enemy team knows this when the game starts, so I am therefore an obvious 1th target. My plan, because of this, is to go to a secret shop and buy a purple heart, a green stone and a blue brain, and mix these items into 1 super item that will give me +500 health. I also buy running shoes, and I stick together with all the other 4 team members, so that it would be even harder for the enemy to kill me.

After a while, all players on both teams develop a ultimate superhero skills. 5 heroes meets 5 other heroes, then its chaos with thunderbolts, shockwaves, lava eruptions and so on. Their attacks are focused mainly on one person: me. Sometimes I manage to use all my magic skills, and run away with the running shoes, but usually I die in 1 second... ergo geir + hon = fail.

Geir + a different game called "bioshock" = works better. It is nice to evelutionize and have the ability to hypnotize, to lift objects with telekinesis, to throw electicity, flames or ice out of ones hands and so on. When the game was solved, I realized that the bioshock is that one gets brainwashed by the game. Two key quotes from the game: "
We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us.", and "Would you kindly? "

All familymembers have come home for christmas. 10 mammals are living in our house: Mom, dad, oldest brother and his cat, second brother and his girlfriend, me, my younger brother, my younger sister and our dog. The cat and the dog are not best friends, but I think the dog has learnd that since the cat has stayed here for a while, it is not suppused to be killed.

tirsdag 15. desember 2009

When I look at my blog today, I see that noone has voted on the beard poll, so I went for monk style beard and cape.

lørdag 12. desember 2009


Today I was finally finished with this year's exams, and the last one was in philosophy. It went relatively well, with regard to the fact that it was based on a half year study, and that noone has trained me in how to write a stylish philosophical text. I think that philosophy can be very interesting, but not all the philosophy we were supposed to learn are. In my wisdom book I have some philosophy, but mainly philosophers who lived about 700 b.c to about 200 b.c in the areas where Turkey, Greece and Italy lies today, and not so much the philosophers born after 200 b.c.

The idea to write a wisdom book, came from multiple sources: one from reading "meditations" from Marcus Aurelius, but most because of reading philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard relating to existentialism. I wrote the second wisdom book because my handwriting in my first was too ugly, and everything written in it was more like notes. The third wisdom book was inspired a little by Rene Descartes (1, 2). To summarize the key thing in what I had learned: If one wants to accomplish something, it better be solid and correct from the start. For the third wisdom book, I read about what type of paper that last the longest. I had to think whether I would go for archival paper or cotton paper, but decided to go for archival. The cover was made of leather. My first words written in it was dated 18th of August 2009.

Today I came to think about the greek philosophers. To me it seems like these people have thought of most things. A question appears to me: Did the greek philosophers ever philosophize about what is wasted to know? Maybe that is a question for my wisdom book?

(Ps: I will correct bad english, if my blog becomes more popular)

mandag 7. desember 2009

Another dream + helped my little sister

Today I dreamt that I sat on a train with my brother. Then I ate a television remote control. It did not taste good, but it was food. My brother then asked me if we should order a pizza... The dream then ended...

Yesterday my little sister asked me for help. She had installed an obvious fake antivirus called antivir, and it was designed so that it would be difficult to remove/uninstall from the computer, but I removed it. Today I installed Linux mint on Marie's computer so that such problems will never happen again. It is more userfriendly for a kid than ubuntu. I use ubuntu 9.04, the newest ubuntu 9.10 had to many problems. The difference between mint and ubuntu? Ubuntu requires a minimum of logical intellect to use. Linux mint requires almost no intellect to use.

Ps: It is not difficult to install. And one does not need to delete windows, instead one gets a dualboot option: choose to start windows or linux. If one know how to: its a good idea to free 10 Gb free space from the windows partition from inside windows. List of most popular distros.

lørdag 5. desember 2009

I notice that the most popular topic in my blog, based on the number of comments, is related to computer games. So I ask myself: is it possible to say something wise about computer games? What makes me like a game? Is it well spent time to play games?

Ok... What makes me like a game? First a list of games I like...

1* Well... I like the "God of war" series, because they have an interesting story, and the sound and graphics are very good. The creators have been creative, and it does not look like any other games released at that time. This game sets a standard that one would compare other games to. The only "minus" is that it's a one player game and once it's solved (in less than a week), it is probably not played again.

2* I like a game called "Mass effect". Its the only game I know of where one can travel to many solar systems in the milky way galaxy. Graphics and sound are very good. Its "minus" is similar to the god of war "minus".

3* The "Splinter cell" game series are good. The graphics are good: if one shoot a light bulb the
room will get dark, and then one puts on night vision goggles. The stories are relatively realistic.

4* The "Metal gear" game series are also good games. It's similar to "splinter cell", but with a much less realistic story. A "plus" compared SC, is that one does not necessary need to sneak all the time: one can go nuts and attack with a grenade launcher, and just eat rations when wounded.

5* Top sound and graphics are not always the most important. "Sacrifice" is a good game. To put it simple: I like the creativity.

The games mentioned so far are basically one player games. To make a good multiplayer game seems to be more difficult. I don't like typical car games, first person shooter games and sport games that much, but many multiplayer games are just that. The type of multiplayer game I like:

6* "Micro machines" for playstation: cars with weapons.

7* "Roll cage": cars with weapons.

8* "Soul blade/calibur": nice graphics

9* "Command and conquer" games (generals: zero hour, tiberian sun)

10*Hon: it's fun to see what the different heroes does. A wizard frog hero, a hero that grows acid plants, a hero that gathers minotaur allies in the forest and so on...

Ok... that all I can remember for now. I probably should have mentioned many more games. Back to the question: Is it well spent, or waste of time to play games? Well, thats like asking if watching movies are waste of time. If one play a game or watch a movie one likes, one get entertained and it could improve inspire ones creativity. If its a bad movie or game, it could problably be waste of time. Conclusion: to be entertained can be well spent time.

Nb! games I forgot to mention: Oddworld series: Abe's Oddysee, Munch's Oddysee. Prince of persia: warrior within and the two thrones (upcoming movie). Final fantasy 7. ++++

fredag 4. desember 2009

Weird dream again...

I dreamt that I had a midwife role for childbearing woman. She gave birth to an unusual baby: It had unusually large cheeks and its headshape was not like that of a normal baby. Actually, it looked like an alien baby or a very mutated human baby. When the mother saw her baby, she said that she did not want it, and that I could have it.

So... I adopted this alien baby. I remember when I was holding it and I looked at it and I though: " Me raising an alien baby alone... Maybe that will not work so well". The dream then ended...

fredag 27. november 2009

I promised to write in my blog any weird dreams. Today I dreamt that I was shot and killed by Nicole Kidman. When I woke up I tried to understand why my head made me dream something like that. I had not seen any movies lately. I saw a trailer for a film called "The Invasion" where she is a main character, about 4 months ago, but based on that trailer I did not want watch that movie. I think I saw the film called "Molin Rouge" almost 8 months ago. I came to the conclusion that, when I dream something it just doesn't make any sense.

torsdag 26. november 2009

Geir and sports...

The year 07/08 and 08/09 I lived away from my hometown and went to two different, but both very social art schools. For the year 09/10 I moved home to go to the university and learn anthropology. There were about 100 students in my class. After some weeks, I realized that it was probable that I would not get friends in this class.

I searched for a solution in my wisdombook, and the solution according to my book, was to join several new social environments. It suggested that I shoud seek oragnized sport, since it is a social activity for many people. The book had more arguments: being physically active increases blood circulation in the brain, so that I would become smarter. And... If I did not get any new social relations, at least I would be too tired (because of the sport) to care.

On the Internet I found a list of sports at the university. At first, I could not decide what sport to join, but then I thought it could be a good idea to try them all. The next day I participated in Qwan ki do practice and learned to fight with a bamboo stick. Som days later I participated in underwater rugby practice. I also wanted to join a boxing club, but I have only particpated 1 time so far.

Underwater rugby (wvr) is not a very social sport. Everyone is learning how to swim like fish. Noone is saying anything, maybe because everyone is underwater 95% of the time. One can not see anyones face either.

Today I went to Qwan ki do training. I wanted to fight with bamboostick, but the Master told me that I had to learn the basics instead of bomoostick-fighting. The basics is a boring dance-like thing; just moving hands and feet in a weird way. I realized two things: alomst never do anything turn out the way one plans it to... and although I have not really found the ultimate social environment for me, I am like the wisdombook told me I would be; to tired to care.

tirsdag 24. november 2009

Computergames and swearing...

Sometimes it feels like waste of time to have played a video or computer game. Today I played a game called "Heroes of Newerth" (on a laptop with linux ubuntu os). Its a online game. They have a nice system to match equal opponents: pro is the best, noobs allowed is medium, and noobs is worst. Since I am complete newbie to the game I chose to play agains "noobs".

When the game starts I am supposed to choose a hero. The first time, I go for a panda with a bamboostick. I am supposed to buy uppgrades for my hero, and I buy some health potions. I am also supposed to choose what hero-skill I want to upgrade, and I choose the "smack the enemy with bamboostick"-upgrade.

I have 4 human controlled hero-allies on my team. From our base, computer-controlled smaller allies begin their mission to kill enemy , and I join them. I use my hero skill upgrade and kill small computer-controlled enemy. Soon I get to level 2, and I am therefore allowed to choose more upgrades: Level 2 bamboostick-smack...

An enemy hero attacks me. I try to defend myself whith the double-bamboosmack, but he kills me easily. The same pattern repeats itself later. Then my allies write to me: "ffs" "omg" "damn" "stupid" and and a long "neverending" list of swearwords. And of course they call me "noob". I ask them if this is a for-noobs-game, and they confirm that it is correct. According to them my rank should be "ultrasupadopa-noob loser of Newerth". Some of them suggests that I should just uninstall the game.

Later I play together with a friend. He suggests that I should play with a tree-hero, and his heroskill is to be invisible. We play on the same team. First I use the hero skill wrong; I didn't hide in the forest. My friend uses alot of swearwords, and does not understand how it is possible to get killed when "invisible". When I learn to use the skill, I realize that I is quite boring to just be invisible, so i quit. On screen it's displayed: RAGEQUIT.

So why did I write all this? I notice that some people who play coop online games swear more than others, and that is for me perceived as obscene phraseology to express negative feelings in an effective way, and that is not so kind.

lørdag 21. november 2009

Today I had a weird dream. In my dream I had a large spider (1) under my bed. He was my pet, and his job was to guard against larger insects (2) He noticed a mammoth bug (3) but the mammoth bug managed to hide and my spider was sad. That's when the dream ended....

1: Maybe twice as large as this one
2: 5 times as large
3: Smaller and more insect-like.

fredag 20. november 2009

My first blog

My friend Jakob and my brother Kristian suggested that I should write a blog, since I write so much in my red journal called "liber sapientiæ tertius a Geiro scriptus" (latin, means " third wisdombook written by Geir"). Now it is done.