torsdag 25. februar 2010

Truth vs hope

"Sometimes it is difficult for me to accept what has to be the obvious truth, maybe because it is contrary to my hopeful ideas. " - this is the sentence that I noted in my wisdom book today.

What type of events could Geir possibly hope for? Well... Sometimes I hope to meet people that have personality characteristics, humor and interests that are compatible with my own. I was thinking of the possibility for that, while sitting alone in a hidden quiet area in the school cafeteria (With priority: people with hearing problems), and I realized that the possibility for something like that to happen is probably close to 0% chance. This is why I noted that sentence.

The movable wall that created my area (by separating a small part of the of the cafeteria from the rest of the cafeteria) were moved later that day. Of course that had to happen (*whine*).

fredag 19. februar 2010

Geirknappen theory about Danish language

Danish, Swedish and Norwegian are similar languages. For a Norwegian person, Danish writing language is easier to read than Swedish, but it is easier to understand what a swede is saying. Danes can be very difficult to understand if they talk fast. We use all the consonants (B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V...) while the Danes tend to use mainly the consonant D and G. The English word "cake", is "kake" in Norwegian, "kage" in Danish, and "tårta" in Swedish, but the Danes pronounce "kage" almost like "gaegaee", and that is difficult to understand.

My theory is that Danish and Norwegian language were more similar hundreds of years ago, but then there was a severe disease that gave the Danes swollen throats, and when they tried to say and teach their children to say "kake" it just became "gaegaee". Because the disease lasted for generations, all Danes believed that "gaegaee" is the way the word is supposed to be pronounced.

Danish language was easier to understand for Norwegians in the 1920s. My theory is also that Danish language will develop to consist of only vowels: "Cake" will become "ae-aee". Maybe that will happen in 2120, if Denmark has not sunk in the sea because of global warming.

onsdag 17. februar 2010

Make a totem clan?

I come home, and I realize that I would prefer to have a good friend to be with, but the closest solution is to chat with Jakob on google wave, for I have no friends in Trondheim. I meet the qwan ki do folks 3 times a week, but as mentioned earlier, our social relation is just to step on or hit each other. I meet the underwater rugby folks once a week, but I am the most useless team-player since I after X amount of time has to get out of the pool, because the water is too freezing cold. I tried to get an anthropology friend, a guy who is plus 2 years ahead in anthropology studies, and benefit from his wisdom, but I think it is a fading friendship.

Anyway, the point was that I don't consider myself to have any real friends in Trondheim, and I think that other people might think of that as sad. It is days like this I usually try to find ways to amuse my own head. Yup... And how do I do that? My solutions varies. Today I came up with the idea to create an anteater totem clan. And what is that? Totem clans are more usual in ancient tribe societies. Members of an anteater totem clan would symbolically associate themselves with anteaters. To eat anteater meat would an unclean, taboo thing to do. To eat food like anteaters do, occasionally, would be required, for the souls of the members in the anteater clan members would be anteater-souls. Who wants to join the clan?

tirsdag 16. februar 2010

It's time to provoke...

Is it so that human females are less rational than other beings? What makes them act the way they do? What are geirknappens theories?

It is a fairly widespread phenomenon that women pluck their eyebrows. Why do they do that? My theory is that movie-superstars and models started to pluck their eyebrows because they believed that it made them look more pretty. After a while, other women began to do the same, and women influenced each other to believe that having such eyebrows make them more feminine. Perhaps it is so that plucked eyebrows gives a woman a boost self-esteem, while not plucked eyebrows gives reduced self-esteem. Whatever reason they have, geirknappen thinks that to pluck eyebrows is completely silly and ridiculous, and in most cases make women look worse.

Another phenomenon is women who put white pearl earrings in their ears. Maybe whey wish to symbolize that they are average of women, since that is the type of earring most women wear. Maybe they wear them because they are afraid of being mistaken for being a man. For some reason I dislike white pearl earrings.

Some women seems to be less rational than others... I believe to have experienced many times that some women have behaved abnormally, nervous or passive of what I believe is due to my presence. Examples: face turns red, start tapping mobile buttons, walk away when she actually was staying with friends, or ask her friends to go somewhere else. I am not nervous in such situations, I just get a little aggravated, and unfortunately: the more individuals with similar behavior, the more increased irritation-potential for me. What should I do in such a situation? I have realized that the best thing to do, is to not care and do nothing about the situation, and just find Zen Buddhist peace in my mind, for it is unwise to make the situation worse.

I wonder why some women behave that way. Maybe they think I am an extraterrestrial being in a human body disguise. Anyway... Women who behave like this should ask themselves: 1*Is it possible to define the reason why I am not in harmony? 2*Is it possible to find ways to handle those thing that make me to not be in harmony, so that I find harmony?

Back to my question: Is it so that human females are less rational than other beings? Well, I if it is so, then I think it is only a valid description for average my-generation-women and only in industrialized countries like those in northern America and Europe.

One last thing: When I wrote this blog post, I wrote it a certain notion that I have less than 10 blog readers, and that non of them are women, and that history is forgotten while it is written. If I should get a woman blog reader, then don't hesitate to criticize something, if you feel like criticizing something of what I just wrote. I have a feeling that it was unwise write all this.

fredag 12. februar 2010

A happy birthday blog post

I made this blog post only because it's my brothers birthday today. Jakob edited this video, I am the one in the mask. Happy birthday krille.

torsdag 4. februar 2010

blog readers...

...there will be a stop to new blog posts until you tell me why you voted for whatever you voted for in my polls. Give my wisdom book to the chief of a tribe located in New Guinea? What? How can that be good for anything? Read it while taking a mud bath? Whoever voted for that, has to be a woman or a very feminine man. Those who voted for "non of the above" do not need to explain themselves.

tirsdag 2. februar 2010

Today my friend Jakob suggested that we should try the game Habbo. That game is probably the most tragic game I have ever tried. Jakob... shame on you. This picture says it all: