torsdag 4. februar 2010

blog readers...

...there will be a stop to new blog posts until you tell me why you voted for whatever you voted for in my polls. Give my wisdom book to the chief of a tribe located in New Guinea? What? How can that be good for anything? Read it while taking a mud bath? Whoever voted for that, has to be a woman or a very feminine man. Those who voted for "non of the above" do not need to explain themselves.

10 kommentarer:

  1. Well, I rightfully admit I am guilty of voting for "give it to the chief of a tribe located in New Guina" . What will be my punishment Geirknappen? I thought giving wisdom in form of a book to a tribe in New Guinea might lead to a possible chain reaction in events making New Guinea a prosperous advanced nation like Japan, forming new ways of thinking etc. , and future generation in New Guinea will look upon the book as a literature treasure. That's just my input.

  2. I wrote the book in Norwegian, but I have some nice drawings, but again... I think maybe the tribe chief is better at creating art. The value of the book for this chief likely to be minimal.

  3. This Saturday was a wisdom Saturday, but I can not mention why in a new blog post, because the other guilty people must explain themselves first. I am serious when I say stop to new blog posts until the requirements are met.

  4. Answers..... Geirknappen demands them!

    Geirknappen, I don't think things work that way, I mean people like to remain anonymous for given reasons. And forcing your readers to expose answers is a bit harsh and dictatorish. Readers should wave the freedom of the option to answer or not.

  5. I am the harsh dictator of my own blog, and have made these requirements to get an idea how little or how much people care for the blog. If they like the blog, then giving an explanation for their harmless choices is not so much to ask for.

    Anyway... Blog readers should consider this: if a better era happens, if I get a girlfirend tomorrow, if an elk jumps through the window an goes to sleep on the sofa, if successful and meaningful things happen, well... I will still not write about it in my blog unless the demands are met.

  6. I voted for "non of the above", because the other options were too cruel. It was tempting to vote for "use it to become an übermenchen", but I thought that might be unethical too. Noone voted for "use it as firewood"... that is good?

  7. Ok... I admit that demanding explanations from my readers is just too much, it is more like: I need an excuse to stop blogging. I said it in blog post 5: "it's like talking to a rock, on one of Jupiters moons and expecting that anyone would care"

    By the way... When I look at my own blog posts I realize that only a few of them is worth reading anyway. If I am to continue blogging I would have to improve from geir v 0.17 beta to Geir v !.0

  8. Jeg stemte på noe tull, men husker ikke hva. Mest fordi det var så mange tullete alternativer. Jeg oppfattet ikke undersøkelsen for å være seriøs. Tror kanskje jeg svarte at jeg ville bruke den som ei brødfjøl. Hadde kanskje svart annerledes dersom det var flere seriøse alternativer.

  9. Spørsmålet jeg stiller meg er fortsatt det samme: er det verd å bruke tiden sin på dette? Min blog vil aldri bli populær, og skulle jeg få nye lesere så gidder ikke de å lese gamle innlegg. Dessuten vet jeg ikke hva som er verd å skrive om. ... Kanskje skal jeg blogge kun for jakob-krlles skyld.

  10. JA.. og han som er anonym, men tydeligvis følger godt med.


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