onsdag 17. februar 2010

Make a totem clan?

I come home, and I realize that I would prefer to have a good friend to be with, but the closest solution is to chat with Jakob on google wave, for I have no friends in Trondheim. I meet the qwan ki do folks 3 times a week, but as mentioned earlier, our social relation is just to step on or hit each other. I meet the underwater rugby folks once a week, but I am the most useless team-player since I after X amount of time has to get out of the pool, because the water is too freezing cold. I tried to get an anthropology friend, a guy who is plus 2 years ahead in anthropology studies, and benefit from his wisdom, but I think it is a fading friendship.

Anyway, the point was that I don't consider myself to have any real friends in Trondheim, and I think that other people might think of that as sad. It is days like this I usually try to find ways to amuse my own head. Yup... And how do I do that? My solutions varies. Today I came up with the idea to create an anteater totem clan. And what is that? Totem clans are more usual in ancient tribe societies. Members of an anteater totem clan would symbolically associate themselves with anteaters. To eat anteater meat would an unclean, taboo thing to do. To eat food like anteaters do, occasionally, would be required, for the souls of the members in the anteater clan members would be anteater-souls. Who wants to join the clan?

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