torsdag 25. februar 2010

Truth vs hope

"Sometimes it is difficult for me to accept what has to be the obvious truth, maybe because it is contrary to my hopeful ideas. " - this is the sentence that I noted in my wisdom book today.

What type of events could Geir possibly hope for? Well... Sometimes I hope to meet people that have personality characteristics, humor and interests that are compatible with my own. I was thinking of the possibility for that, while sitting alone in a hidden quiet area in the school cafeteria (With priority: people with hearing problems), and I realized that the possibility for something like that to happen is probably close to 0% chance. This is why I noted that sentence.

The movable wall that created my area (by separating a small part of the of the cafeteria from the rest of the cafeteria) were moved later that day. Of course that had to happen (*whine*).

10 kommentarer:

  1. I challenge thee to make a wisdom blog post about positive thinking.

  2. There is nothing pessimistic in this text. Realistic thinking should be given priority vs optimistic thinking to avoid disappointment. If there is only 0% chance for something to happen, then it is wise to have focus on something else: something that can happen. Example: to create happiness for human souls around you.

  3. Make a wise blog post about positive thinking anyway? I you are sad or pessimistic, it is not so easy to be positive; it is not so easy to try to create happiness for the human souls around you, or is it?

    Mr anonymous.

  4. "I hope to meet people that have personality characteristics, humor and interests that are compatible with my own... the possibility for something like that to happen is probably close to 0% chance."

    I would say that such a statement is a little pessimistic. As I see it, most people have other people that they think of as compatible with themselves. Especially those who have a boyfriend or a girlfriend or maybe even married. Is it wrong to suggest that destiny is unfair, if you do not experience something similar?

    Mr Light bulb

  5. "I(f) you are sad or pessimistic, it is not so easy to be positive"

    That makes sense. I think many people is in a situation where it is difficult for them to think positive. I think my solutions for such problems is a bit abrupt. My first approach would be to consider the situation, if it is a bad situation, as a problem that can be solved, and there are many techniques to solve a problem. An emergency solution would be to try to only notice positive things, say positive things to oneself, and if possible turn the negative to something positive by choosing to perceive situations and events in a different way. ... I am not a positive-thinking-oracle. Maybe you should ask someone else?

  6. "...most people have other people that they think of as compatible with themselves"

    -That is nice for them.

    "Is it wrong to suggest that destiny is unfair, if you do not experience something similar?"

    -I have the book, I have therefore no reason to be dissatisfied.

  7. "Is it wrong to suggest that destiny is unfair..."

    Destiny is unfair, especially toward Geir. He behaves in a morally correct way and is decent and so on... but still bad things happen. (Maybe this proves that the concept "Karma" is not existing)

    Mr Snabel-A

  8. Well... Mr Snabel-A. If it is so that destiny is especially unfair toward me, what do you suggest that I should do? Should I seek an anti-bad-destiny witch doctor?

  9. "Sometimes it is difficult for me to accept what has to be the obvious truth, maybe because it is contrary to my hopeful ideas. "

    And it is still difficult to accept, because you are for some reason still hoping?

    (commenting as anonymous works for me)

  10. I am more like anti-obama when it comes to creating or having hope. Hope is the ultimate waste of time.


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