torsdag 26. november 2009

Geir and sports...

The year 07/08 and 08/09 I lived away from my hometown and went to two different, but both very social art schools. For the year 09/10 I moved home to go to the university and learn anthropology. There were about 100 students in my class. After some weeks, I realized that it was probable that I would not get friends in this class.

I searched for a solution in my wisdombook, and the solution according to my book, was to join several new social environments. It suggested that I shoud seek oragnized sport, since it is a social activity for many people. The book had more arguments: being physically active increases blood circulation in the brain, so that I would become smarter. And... If I did not get any new social relations, at least I would be too tired (because of the sport) to care.

On the Internet I found a list of sports at the university. At first, I could not decide what sport to join, but then I thought it could be a good idea to try them all. The next day I participated in Qwan ki do practice and learned to fight with a bamboo stick. Som days later I participated in underwater rugby practice. I also wanted to join a boxing club, but I have only particpated 1 time so far.

Underwater rugby (wvr) is not a very social sport. Everyone is learning how to swim like fish. Noone is saying anything, maybe because everyone is underwater 95% of the time. One can not see anyones face either.

Today I went to Qwan ki do training. I wanted to fight with bamboostick, but the Master told me that I had to learn the basics instead of bomoostick-fighting. The basics is a boring dance-like thing; just moving hands and feet in a weird way. I realized two things: alomst never do anything turn out the way one plans it to... and although I have not really found the ultimate social environment for me, I am like the wisdombook told me I would be; to tired to care.

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