mandag 18. januar 2010

wah-wah, no ring ring.

Today I lost my mobile phone. I had the phone in my right pocket on my way to see a presentation at the university by the American ambassador in Norway. When I decided to go home, I grabbed for the phone that were supposed to be in my right pocket, to see what time it is, but it wasn't there. This has happened before, and the last time I had to get a new sim-card and phone.

If someone found the phone, it would be easy to find and return the phone to the owner. One could call ones own phone from this phone, notice the number and search for the owner by writing the number in the online telephone directory and click search. Then they would notice the name of the owner, and maybe write a message on facebook: " found your phone". I think that the chance for that to happen is small. What is more likely is that whoever finds the phone will take it, and keep as an extra phone, or put it a place where I will never find it again.

I think mobile phone technology should be more advanced than they are today. If a phone has gps function, and the phone has battery, then it should be possible to log on to a secure web page that will locate the position of your own phone.

Obviously... For anyone who want to contact Geir via phone: that won't work. When I think of it, I realize that few people call or send messages to Geir anyway. It's more like the status of comments to my blog, Jakob comments something occasionally. Jakob... Respected and valued friend of Geir.

6 kommentarer:

  1. NOOOOoooooOOOOooo!
    Min daglige dose geir... det finnes så godt som ingen erstatning. Nå gjenstår bare å tørke ut som en sopp på en varm grill.

    My daily dose of geir, there exist as good as no substitute. Now I'll dehydrate like a mushroom on an oven.

  2. Hmmmm
    Seems like your hypothesis about people was very wrong. In fact, you got your phone back.
    Besides, I think it is possible to track your phone with google maps (for mobile). Not sure, but it could be worth a look? Maybe I will even have a looksie my self.

  3. Google maps... thanks for the tip.

  4. ... did not find a way to locate my phones position without my phone. I don't think google maps can be used for this. If anyone find a way, please tell.

  5. I think you can use the latitude function in google maps. But i have not tried it yet. In latitude your friends should be able to se where you are. So if you and a friend both have latitude then you can call your friend and ask him to tell you where you have misplased your phone. You should try it. Only thing is; i don't know if this will work inside with bad or no gps signal? Let me know if it works.

  6. Yup, this works, but I think it depends on that I am connected to wlan network on my phone.


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