torsdag 21. januar 2010

Touchy subjects?

My friend Jakob listed up 4 touchy subjects that should not be put in a blog: alien cultures, afro Americans, abortion and ideas about ideal women. According to him, even politicians would keep away from such subjects. I'm not sure it he was serious. Anyway, I can think of more touchy subjects, example: the Jyllands-Postens Muhammad cartoons controversy.

Some people think that printing cartoon images of Muhammad is a matter of freedom of speech. What does Geir think? I think it should be illegal to print cartoon images of Muhammad, and will explain why. If someone printed an obscene cartoon image of Jesus or God, which obviously is part of the Christian religion, none would care as much as Muslims would if someone printed Muhammad. First of all, Muslims (sunni) believe that one should avoid creating graphic representations Muhammad, because he is a religious figure. Secondly, religion is in most Arabic countries a more important part of daily life than countries in northern Europe. And the conclusion is that printing Muhammad is like asking for unnecessary trouble/war.

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