Last Saturday I tried to make it a fixed wisdom day. I also got a lot of comments (now 10) on that post. I think maybe people were very bored that day, bored enough to write a comment in a blog. Even my valued brother with nickname krille commented my blog. Maybe I got comments because people perceived it as sad that it seemed like few people seemed to care what Geir wrote. Whatever the motive... I can confirm that it is comments that make a blogger like me blog, especially If one has less than ten readers, and especially if the the few readers are cool and admirable readers.
lørdag 30. januar 2010
onsdag 27. januar 2010
Touchy subjects part 2
I got one reader form Pakistan, that is nice. I think it was because of the touchy subjects, so here comes touchy subjects part 2. What can be more touchy subject than the Muhammad cartoons controversy? Well, how about the Arab–Israeli conflict, Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and Israeli settlement? What does geirknappen think?
The 8th commandment says: "You shall not steal". Israel, as I see it, is stealing land from the Palestinians (1), and hinder the Palestinians form getting help (1,2). Isn't it typical with religion that people say they belong to a religion, but are not really listening to what the message of the religion really is? Anyway... to me it seems like it's Israel with their actions, that is asking for trouble.
lørdag 23. januar 2010
Wisdom Saturday...
I pick up my wisdom book and questions comes to me almost automatically. One of these questions: "what makes a human valuable?"
Then I begin to think for possible answers.
Maybe: a human that contribute to mankind, and makes life better and easier for his fellowmen is valuable.
It so, then: A person that does not contribute, should then be considered worthless? What can be considered as a contribution? Is it enough to try get a result, but fail, or is an actual result absolutely necessary?
If it is so; that a person must give a contribution if he is to be considered valuable, then I am according to a such definition nothing else than worthless. I am part of higher education, which in theory can make me valuable for my community in the future, but speculations about the future can never be science.
Maybe a different approach: a human that is valuable if himself or others consider him valuable, maybe of simple social reasons.
If so, then: a person is worthless if himself and others consider him worthless? Noone would want to be worthless, and he would, if noone considered him valuable, at least try to find a reason to consider himself valuable. If he found reason to consider himself valuable without a confirmation from others that it is their opinion too, how long would that last?
A last approach: A human is valuable regardless whether he himself or others think so.
I have read/heard: " All individuals are worth the same for God" (without argument) . If it was so, would it not be reasonable to expect that all humans, when their lives will end, agree to that the sum of all their experiences are worth just as much as the sum of anyone else experiences? Isn't reality more like this: A person who lived alone in Siberia would say that his experiences were worth less than a person who owned a house, had a family on a tropical island, and cultivated melons and cherries.
Immanuel Kant says that all humans are worth the same because they are purpose in themselves; everyone has free will to give themselves a norm for how to act. The argument "a person can give himself a norm for how to act", is enough to consider a person valuable? I would say that one can discuss that argument.
And then finally... Did i think of something that is worth writing down in my book? Is it possible to come to a conclusion for my questions? I am not sure, what does my blog readers think?
fredag 22. januar 2010
torsdag 21. januar 2010
Touchy subjects?
Some people think that printing cartoon images of Muhammad is a matter of freedom of speech. What does Geir think? I think it should be illegal to print cartoon images of Muhammad, and will explain why. If someone printed an obscene cartoon image of Jesus or God, which obviously is part of the Christian religion, none would care as much as Muslims would if someone printed Muhammad. First of all, Muslims (sunni) believe that one should avoid creating graphic representations Muhammad, because he is a religious figure. Secondly, religion is in most Arabic countries a more important part of daily life than countries in northern Europe. And the conclusion is that printing Muhammad is like asking for unnecessary trouble/war.
tirsdag 19. januar 2010
Yesterday, other unfortunate events happened too. I injured my foot and it is now swollen. A light bulb exploded in my room. I have a hypothesis that nice things were supposed to happen to Geir, but a disruption in time-space continuum led to that, instead of something nice, something bad happened. Someone in the future invented a machine that would target and sabotage someone in the past: me. Why? I don't know.
An alternative hypothesis is that Geir in a parallel universe did something unethical and that karma punished the wrong Geir in the wrong parallel universe. I'm pretty sure karma has no reason to punish me, in this universe.
Do my blog reader(s) have any suggestions to why some people seem to be more unfortunate than others? Is it an illusion to think that some people are more unfortunate?
mandag 18. januar 2010
wah-wah, no ring ring.
If someone found the phone, it would be easy to find and return the phone to the owner. One could call ones own phone from this phone, notice the number and search for the owner by writing the number in the online telephone directory and click search. Then they would notice the name of the owner, and maybe write a message on facebook: " found your phone". I think that the chance for that to happen is small. What is more likely is that whoever finds the phone will take it, and keep as an extra phone, or put it a place where I will never find it again.
I think mobile phone technology should be more advanced than they are today. If a phone has gps function, and the phone has battery, then it should be possible to log on to a secure web page that will locate the position of your own phone.
Obviously... For anyone who want to contact Geir via phone: that won't work. When I think of it, I realize that few people call or send messages to Geir anyway. It's more like the status of comments to my blog, Jakob comments something occasionally. Jakob... Respected and valued friend of Geir.
fredag 15. januar 2010
torsdag 14. januar 2010
mandag 11. januar 2010
Status sports...
Geir + Qwan ki do is a less unsuccessful combination. I used to look forward to it for a period. The dance-like ting I learned, is not a dance, but a pattern, and it has a purpose: it helps you remember the moves. The master often sent me to corner to practise these patterns, since I was a little behind when it came to knowing them. Today I was a little disappointed when I learned that the master had taught me wrong, at least some details were wrong. "You were not supposed to move your left arm first, instead of the right arm", and so on. I hereby confirm that I know no patterns technically correct. There will be a sports gathering on 27th of February, and the master has for the occasion given me the honorable task to demonstrate how to be beaten up by my qwan ki do -fellowmen.
The book... I have had an idea for the book lately: to find a general rule for what kind of conditions that is needed for something to fail or succeed. I have only found some conditions for failure: Noone has taught you have to succeed. Someone have taught you wrong. The chance that you would find out for yourself what had to be done to succeed, was limited. The ambitions were to big; more than one should expect. I am open to suggestions from my blog readers.
tirsdag 5. januar 2010
And Yoda said...
What did Yoda really mean? Having patience is an unpleasant feeling? Having impatience is also an unpleasant feeling? Maybe it is just impatience that is the unpleasant feeling, while patience is not? Maybe it is opposite?
Although I imagine patience as a positive thing, I have nothing in my wisdom book about patience. I am open to suggestions from my blog readers about what they think of as wise opinions about patience, that should be noted in the book.
Yesterday I trained qwan ki do, It was only me and the master who had come. Today I feel it in my muscles that I have trained a bit hard, but that will pass. Anthropology lectures will not begin until the end of the month. I have been thinking lately that it could be wise to get in advance when it comes to studying, but motivation is missing, I should probably try to find it.
According to geirknappen polls, my blog readers want to hear about romance, and it would be fair that I mentioned the topic one more time. If no romance occurs in 2010, my conlusion will probably be that I have the unexplainable personality atribute X, which makes me unsuitable boyfriend material in my current surroundings (Norwegian culture?).
fredag 1. januar 2010
I wonder what 2010 will bring. The future is to some extent unpredictable, and to some extent predictable. I think it is quite predictable that I will not experience to have any luck; I am more likely to experience that obstacles and bad luck will find their way to me. To anticipate some obstacles that may occur, is probably possible, but to anticipate all obstacles is impossible. I am prepared for anything.
No matter how pessimistic it may sound, I think it is predictable that I will not meet anyone that will understand me as a person that is wise and full of experience, in a manner that she will be fascinated by me, and maybe even develop a romantic interest for me. I guess that most people understand me as someone who most certainly is not afraid to walk outside the path most people walk. Maybe they would evaluate whether it is wise to stand out from the crowd, and maybe they would come to the conlusion that, they at least, will not try to stand out. I can undrestand why people would prefer to be part of the crowds "innocent" anonymity: it is more safe and it is easier to have things in common with people. The one who stands out, risk to end up as a lonely person. The one who choose the crowds anonymity, risk to not be his real true self; to be a fake person.
I have a hypothesis why there are so many divorces in the world: When two people who think they are romantically interested in eachother meet, they radiate themselves as ideal characters, and after a X amount of time they reveal their true self, example: The man prefers to watch footall instead of taking account of the guest that the woman has invited.
I see the wisdom in beeing ones true self. Geirs true self is dominated a little by complex philosophical thinking. Almost every position and opinon Geir has, is according to me, based on the most solid of argumentation. Be aware that many of Geirs logical reasonings are deductive, which means that a conclusion stays because all premises are proven to be true.But I am still willing to let myself be influenced by others if they can argue for that their suggestions leads to something that is good and beneficial. If a person were trained like the Greek philosophers were trained by the sophists to lead a discussion or a dialogue, then it is a small chance that person may influence Geir's opininons.
This became a rather messy blog post. Romance is a non-topic for Geirs blog 2010 because speculations regarding such a topic, can according to wisdom book, most likely not lead to anything good. Don't take any advice from Geir regarding romance. One can appreciate a person for a reason as simple as: he/she is cozy and fun to be around.